So far, 2020 has been quite the roller coaster! It seems as though every time we think the headlines can't get any crazier, the next one is. Our society is going through a lot of changes right now. Everything, all the way down to our daily routines and interactions feels like it will never be the same again. It might not be easy or convenient, but change can definitely be a good thing.
This season is definitely going to be different. Some things are hopefully temporary, and some are long overdue. Whether it's making a reservation to ski and keeping our distance on the chairlift, or putting on a mask when we're around others and giving air high-fives to people we would normally hug, we need to remember the reasons behind it. Regardless of where you stand on the headlines, everyone around us deserves to be treated with respect, courtesy, and consideration. When I was a kid, my dad had a great plaque on his office wall that read "God, help me be the person my dog thinks I am." If you've ever met Odie here, you know that's a pretty high bar. Sometimes we need the reminder to look at ourselves and evaluate how we act and treat each other. If we refuse to change because we fear things might get worse, we refuse to allow the possibility for things to get better.
One of our goals at On The Edge has always been to make everyone who comes through our doors feel like one big family (though hopefully without the weird uncle who tells goofy jokes that no one gets). We want you to always come in feeling welcome and appreciated, and leave feeling excited and well cared for. We know that there are always areas we can improve, and we rely on your feedback and support to ensure that we never lose the drive to get better. Thank you for continuing to support us over the years and to keep us excited for every ski season, even when we're not sure if they'll happen.
Winter sports are, thankfully, widely regarded as one of the safest activities in the current climate. Our normal attire falls neatly into the category of PPE, we naturally stay distanced apart on the slopes, and we spend nearly the entire time out in the open air. With a few tweaks here and there, this could definitely shape up to be an outstanding season. Whatever happens, whatever the season looks like; On The Edge will be here for you. We've spent the summer learning new things and picking up new tools and techniques to bring you the best service and experience available.
We can't wait to have everyone back in the shop and excited to get some turns in, face masks, air high-fives, and all. Hope to see you soon!
Let it Snow!
James Graef
This season is definitely going to be different. Some things are hopefully temporary, and some are long overdue. Whether it's making a reservation to ski and keeping our distance on the chairlift, or putting on a mask when we're around others and giving air high-fives to people we would normally hug, we need to remember the reasons behind it. Regardless of where you stand on the headlines, everyone around us deserves to be treated with respect, courtesy, and consideration. When I was a kid, my dad had a great plaque on his office wall that read "God, help me be the person my dog thinks I am." If you've ever met Odie here, you know that's a pretty high bar. Sometimes we need the reminder to look at ourselves and evaluate how we act and treat each other. If we refuse to change because we fear things might get worse, we refuse to allow the possibility for things to get better.
One of our goals at On The Edge has always been to make everyone who comes through our doors feel like one big family (though hopefully without the weird uncle who tells goofy jokes that no one gets). We want you to always come in feeling welcome and appreciated, and leave feeling excited and well cared for. We know that there are always areas we can improve, and we rely on your feedback and support to ensure that we never lose the drive to get better. Thank you for continuing to support us over the years and to keep us excited for every ski season, even when we're not sure if they'll happen.
Winter sports are, thankfully, widely regarded as one of the safest activities in the current climate. Our normal attire falls neatly into the category of PPE, we naturally stay distanced apart on the slopes, and we spend nearly the entire time out in the open air. With a few tweaks here and there, this could definitely shape up to be an outstanding season. Whatever happens, whatever the season looks like; On The Edge will be here for you. We've spent the summer learning new things and picking up new tools and techniques to bring you the best service and experience available.
We can't wait to have everyone back in the shop and excited to get some turns in, face masks, air high-fives, and all. Hope to see you soon!
Let it Snow!
James Graef